You and I get baptized because we need our sins washed away. So, why in the world did Jesus, who is the sinless Son of God, get baptized? That's what we'll discover in this message.
Archive of Messages
Faith Church | Excelsior, MN
Preparing the Way
Repentance isn't something that normally comes up in everyday conversation, but it is something that God requires of all of us and is necessary to maintain a relationship with Him and the people we interact with on a daily basis.
A Messy Family Tree
You may have gotten the impression that Jesus only allows "good people" into his eternal family. Well, in this message we'll be uncovering exactly what kind of people qualify as we comb through Jesus' family tree.
Forward Living
When we feel like we're trapped between bad options and worse ones, we tend to glamorize the past, blame those we love, and forget that God is with us. As we prepare for the New Year, we're going to learn that trusting in God is always our best option.
Our Waiting is Done
Going to the birthday party of someone you barely know can be awkward. That's why for Jesus' birthday we're spending some time getting to know him better.
Witnessing Promises Fulfilled
We ask a simple question in this message, "When you find yourself having to wait for any and every reason, are you looking for Jesus in the middle of it all?"
Embracing God’s Plan
Though familiar to many, the angelic announcement to the virgin Mary provides profound insight into the divine nature of Jesus Christ. It also exemplifies the faith and trust required to embrace God's plans for our lives.
The Blessing in the Waiting
In this fast-paced world of overnight shipping, lightning-fast food delivery, and high-speed internet, patience is a rare virtue. We often find it difficult to pause and just wait. Yet, sometimes that's exactly what God calls us to do, because in the waiting, there are many hidden blessings to be discovered.
Jesus made it possible for you and me to have peace with God our Father. Now, we get to pay that peace forward by advocating for those whom God has placed in our lives.
The early Christian church modeled for us how to fulfill our mission of leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and it all has to do with physical and spiritual generosity.
There's always a spiritual tug of war going on in our hearts between our sinful nature and the Holy Spirit when it comes to being generous. One wants us to be tightfisted, whereas the other empowers us to be openhanded.
Living Out God’s Grace
God's grace is what saves you and God's grace is what empowers you to live a godly life. It's a simple principle that will transform you from the inside out.
Reflecting God’s Kindness
Leadership matters. Who's in charge matters. Who you vote for matters. This raises the question then: can you also respect someone whose in charge whom you didn't vote for? Can you show love and respect to someone who voted differently than you did? These are the challenging questions we address in this message.
Guarding the Truth
The TRUTH matters. Not your truth. Not my truth. But God's truth because by it we are saved. By it we have true hope, peace, confidence, love, certainty, and everything positive. And each of us is called to guard this truth that is constantly under attack by Satan and his lies. We guard this truth because souls are at stake; yours, mine and the people we love.
Called to Lead
In every area of life—work, home, school, or church—good leadership is essential. And true leadership thrives when it is rooted in the timeless truths found only in God’s Word, the Bible.
Blessings Beyond Wealth
Roughly 2,350 Bible verses discuss the topic of money. That's about twice as many as faith and prayer combined! And nearly 15% of what Jesus spoke about related to money and possessions. The reason for that is the sin of greed can easily shift a person's focus from God to material wealth leading to spiritual ruin and societal harm. God wants to protect you and me from ruining our lives.
Grieving With Hope
When someone close to you dies, it can truly be devastating. That's why this message based on the truths of God's promises is so important because even in death there is hope.
Preparing for the End
God calls us to wisely manage the blessings he gives us to bless future generations with both our financial resources and spiritual truths from His word.
Honoring Our Elderly
Every generation wrestles with how to care for and honor the elderly among them. Thankfully God's word has clear guidelines for how we Christians can do that for our aging loved ones.
Raising Up Godly Children
Whether or not you have children of your own, we all have a part to play in the spiritual growth of the young people God has put in our lives. It's not an easy task and it's one most of us don't feel prepared to carry out. That's why we're looking at practical ways we can grow in our relationship with Jesus and help the next generation do the same.
Better Together in Christ
Life is truly better together when we share each other’s burdens, encourage one another, and keep on doing good, all in the name of Jesus!
The Fruit of the Spirit
Most people don't talk about it or are even aware of it, but daily every single human struggles against the spiritual forces of evil. This message will teach you how to combat these evil forces and live in the freedom and victory of God's Holy Spirit.
Children of God
It's true that all human beings are made in the image of God, but it's also true that only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ get to be his children. The beautiful reality is God extends his grace to all humans so that they can be part of his forever family through Jesus.
Crucified With Christ
Discover how true freedom in Christ breaks down barriers, unites us as one family, and empowers us to live by faith--not by rules.
No Other Gospel
The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians with the purpose of guarding God's people from believing the false "gospels" that were swirling around back in the day. It's a timely letter because you and I need to be on our guard as well.
God Is Generous
When it comes to getting saved and being allowed into heaven, it's easy to think that it comes down to personal merit. That some deserve to get in based on their performance and work ethic and others don't. Well, Jesus turns that thinking upside-down in his parable about the workers in the vineyard and he teaches us that our entrance into heaven has nothing to do with our merit and everything to do with God's grace.
The Results Belong to God
When it comes to sharing God's word with others, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves hoping that each person responds a certain way. And if they don't respond the way we want them to, it can be extremely devastating. In this message we'll learn how to faithfully share God's promises while leaving the results up to him.
Tell Your Story
Your personal story of how Jesus has impacted your life is super important because it has the power to impact other people's lives as well. In this message you'll learn practical tips on how you can be prepared to share your hope in Jesus with others.
Light it Up!
Jesus declares that you are the light of the world. What does that mean and how does that translate into how you live out your life? That's what we'll explore in this message based on an excerpt from Jesus' sermon on the mount.
The Boundaries
Technology can be a blessing and a curse and that's why it's important that we establish healthy boundaries to create safeguards and limitations to keep the good in and the bad out. And to that we need God's wisdom!
The Bad Things
Screens can definitely be a blessing, but they can also be a curse that can ultimately erode the relationships we hold so dear.
The Blessings
Technology can be used for good or for evil. In this message we learn how to leverage this powerful tool to get the good news message of Jesus Christ out into the world to combat evil.
What if We Loved Like Jesus?
"What if we loved like Jesus?" That's a profound question and the answer has life changing implications.
Anxious for Nothing
Would you agree that everyone deals with worry and anxiety to some degree? I know I do and I'm thankful that God's word has a solution that offers supernatural peace with zero negative side effects.
There Is None Greater
The human heart has the unique ability to make a person feel ugly, and yet it's the precise location where God does his greatest work. It's where he makes us alive, and in turn, able to live in this world with joy and confidence.
Citizens of Heaven
The Olympics showcase some of the greatest athletes in the world, but none of them would be there without their coaches who push them, encourage them, and help them strive to win the prize. Christianity is no different. To help us keep our eyes on the prize of heaven, we too need spiritual coaches, friends and role models.
Being and Becoming
Almost every religion teaches that in order to appease God's wrath you and I have to do something. Whereas Christianity is the only religion that declares that the work has already been done for us.
God’s Work In You
We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus! This is an amazing gift from God, but it's also a gift that should not be taken for granted but instead utilized every single day of our lives. In this message you'll learn that through this gift of faith, God himself is working in you.
Imitating Christ’s Humility
Discover the transformative power of humility which can profoundly impact our lives and relationships, offering a path towards true fulfillment and spiritual growth.
Called to Suffer
It may sound strange but the reality is that anyone who believes in Jesus as their Savior is called to suffer for him. And the comfort we have is we don't have to suffer alone. God has given us each other to be able to support one another through our trials and persecutions.
Chains for Christ
Depending on our circumstances we can either view ourselves as a victim or a victor. In this message we explore our ultimate purpose for this life and when we remember what that is, no matter the circumstances, we can always have a victor mentality.
Prayers of Joy
Divisiveness is like a plague and in order for us to maintain unity within our relationships and within the church, we first of all need to understand who we are in relation to Jesus Christ. And when we have a good grasp of that, it helps us view each other through the lens of thanksgiving.
He Lives
Sometimes we convince ourselves that Easter is a once-a-year event and nothing more. But it is so much more. It's a reminder that we get to live in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ every single day of our lives!
Once For All
Even though we don't live under the old covenant anymore, sometimes we still act like it by trying to come up with our own remedies to deal with the consequences of our sins. In this message you'll learn that Jesus' sacrifice was sufficient to pay for all of your sins once and for all and that's why the new covenant is much better than the old!
The Blessings and Judgments
The Lord's Supper is an amazing gift from God and unfortunately like any good gift we can misuse and abuse it. In this message we do a case study of a church that thought they were celebrating the Lord's Supper when in reality they had corrupted it and made it into something it was not. Learning from their mistakes we get to celebrate Holy Communion the way Jesus intended.
The Institution
Communion is the bridge between the Old Testament promises and the New Testament reality that Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God!
Baptized Into Christ
Baptism is an important gift from God that is often misunderstood, neglected and forgotten. In this message we remember the ongoing benefits of this amazing blessing and how it helps us in our daily struggles against sin and temptation.
Let God Be God
When life feels like it's falling apart and it seems like there's no apparent reason why, it's easy to blame God and assume he's against us instead of for us. In this message we're looking at the final chapter of Job to understand that even though we may not know what God is doing behind the scenes, we can be confident that he's doing them for us!
Holding On To Hope
Sometimes it feels like God, the church and everyone else is against us. Holding on to hope can be difficult during those seasons of life and yet a man named Job will teach us how to do exactly that.
Dealing With Depression
In this message we shed some light on navigating through the shadows of depression, offering hope and practical wisdom for finding resilience and healing in the darkest of times.
Mourn With Me
We all know someone who's gone through suffering, pain, or loss. But we don't always know what to do or say in those difficult moments. In this message you'll learn how to mourn with those who mourn.
Forgiveness Isn’t Easy
It's an understatement to say that forgiveness isn't easy. In fact, it's supernatural, meaning it's something outside of you and me. In this message we'll learn what forgiveness is and what it isn't and how only by the power of Jesus we can utilize this restorative gift.