Archive of Messages

Faith Church | Excelsior, MN

Guarding the Truth

Guarding the Truth

Categories: Titus
October 27, 2024

The TRUTH matters. Not your truth. Not my truth. But God's truth because by it we are saved. By it we have true hope, peace, confidence, love, certainty, and everything positive. And each of us is called to guard this truth that is constantly under attack by Satan and his lies. We guard this truth because souls are at stake; yours, mine and the people we love.

Blessings Beyond Wealth

Blessings Beyond Wealth

Categories: We Are Family
October 13, 2024

Roughly 2,350 Bible verses discuss the topic of money. That's about twice as many as faith and prayer combined! And nearly 15% of what Jesus spoke about related to money and possessions. The reason for that is the sin of greed can easily shift a person's focus from God to material wealth leading to spiritual ruin and societal harm. God wants to protect you and me from ruining our lives.

Raising Up Godly Children

Raising Up Godly Children

Categories: We Are Family
September 15, 2024

Whether or not you have children of your own, we all have a part to play in the spiritual growth of the young people God has put in our lives. It's not an easy task and it's one most of us don't feel prepared to carry out. That's why we're looking at practical ways we can grow in our relationship with Jesus and help the next generation do the same.

God Is Generous

God Is Generous

August 4, 2024

When it comes to getting saved and being allowed into heaven, it's easy to think that it comes down to personal merit. That some deserve to get in based on their performance and work ethic and others don't. Well, Jesus turns that thinking upside-down in his parable about the workers in the vineyard and he teaches us that our entrance into heaven has nothing to do with our merit and everything to do with God's grace.

The Results Belong to God

The Results Belong to God

July 28, 2024

When it comes to sharing God's word with others, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves hoping that each person responds a certain way. And if they don't respond the way we want them to, it can be extremely devastating. In this message we'll learn how to faithfully share God's promises while leaving the results up to him.

The Blessings and Judgments

The Blessings and Judgments

Categories: Communion
March 24, 2024

The Lord's Supper is an amazing gift from God and unfortunately like any good gift we can misuse and abuse it. In this message we do a case study of a church that thought they were celebrating the Lord's Supper when in reality they had corrupted it and made it into something it was not. Learning from their mistakes we get to celebrate Holy Communion the way Jesus intended.

Let God Be God

Let God Be God

Categories: The Story of Job
March 3, 2024

When life feels like it's falling apart and it seems like there's no apparent reason why, it's easy to blame God and assume he's against us instead of for us. In this message we're looking at the final chapter of Job to understand that even though we may not know what God is doing behind the scenes, we can be confident that he's doing them for us!