Works Through His People

Works Through His People

God the Holy Spirit wants all people to be saved and that's why he empowers people like you and me with spiritual gifts so that we can influence others for Christ in powerful ways.

Prays For His People

Prays For His People

Sometimes in our struggles we know we should pray but we don't know exactly what to pray. That's when the Holy Spirit steps in and He prays for us. That's what we're learning about this Sunday.

Brings Life To His People

Brings Life To His People

Every single day you're faced with making decisions that are either good or evil. You're not alone in this spiritual struggle and this Sunday we're going to learn how to engage the Holy Spirit to help us in this fight.

Speaks Through His People

Speaks Through His People

Pentecost is a special day in church history because it's the day God the Holy Spirit came upon his disciples in a spectacular way ushering in a new era for the church that we are still a part of.

The Promised Holy Spirit

The Promised Holy Spirit

In this first message we're reminded that God reveals himself as our 3-in-1 God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We tend to focus a lot on the Father and the Son but let's not forget about God the Holy Spirit!