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Leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ



We look forward to welcoming you to Faith Church Sundays at 10:00 am to continue growing in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Our worship services are casual, come as you are! Included in each service are worship songs, a kid’s message, a bible-based message and prayer.

NURSERY | We have a big nursery set up for little ones who need to move about and explore (and comfy chairs + a live stream of the service for their parents and grandparents!)

FAiTH KiDS | At Faith Church we know how important it is to share God’s never-ending love with kids on a level that engages their fearfully and wonderfully made hearts and minds. Kids 3K-4th grade are invited to head downstairs for Faith Kids after the kid’s message. Miss Andrea always has fun games, crafts and questions that help kids dive deeper into the Bible and find Jesus in every story!


Live Stream Worship is 10:00 am every Sunday and on-demand.

Watch the live stream and find past messages on Faith Church’s YouTube channel.

For audio or video of past messages, please visit our Messages page.


Faith Church values the entirety of the Bible because we believe that it is the flawless, inspired, and powerful word of God. Therefore, our values are not limited to these 7, but built upon them.

We value the Bible because it is God’s Word, the only source of absolute truth. All of it points to Jesus our Savior. As we read and hear God’s Word, the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, reveals God’s grace and equips us for wise living.  Without regularly reading and applying the Bible, we become spiritually weak and an easy target for Satan.

We value Jesus because he is the promised Messiah. We believe that Jesus + nothing = everything. Therefore, we are dedicated to being Christ-centered, focusing our thoughts and attitudes on his suffering, death, and resurrection. Jesus is the Head of the Church and he is for us, and with us, and will empower us to be fearless in the face of adversity for the advancement of his kingdom.

We value Repentance and Forgiveness because as an imperfect family of believers in Christ, we will inevitably sin against each other in thought, word, and deed. Therefore, we will rebuke when needed, humbly repent if necessary and forgive each other just as Christ has forgiven us.

We value Christian Community because every Christian is reliant on the other parts of the body of Christ. Maturing Christians both require and provide spiritual accountability, encouragement, and care. We cannot be close to Jesus if we distance ourselves from his body.

We value Being Outward Focused. We are committed to reaching people that are spiritually lost or disconnected from Jesus. The needs of the lost are more important than our wants and personal preferences. We are not okay if we are paying the bills while people are going to Hell.

We value Generosity because Jesus generously sacrificed everything to give us everything. We honor Jesus when we generously leverage our abilities, time, money, and influence for his Church. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we refuse to rob God and be cursed through selfish living.

We value Gospel Accessibility because the good news of Jesus Christ is for everyone. By the power and love of Jesus, we will constantly evaluate our behavior and church culture so that we are not creating barriers between Jesus and a person he died for.


Dan Schmidt

Dan Schmidt


Jesus has helped me see that my identity is not found in my job, my marital status, how much money I’ve made or what I’ve done with my life.  He’s shown me that at my core I am a child of God, forgiven and set free from my sins.  And my greatest desire is to show others the same is true for them.

Global Partnership

Being part of the network of churches known as the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) allows Faith to support training for new pastors, deploy missionaries across the world, and make a sizable impact that we could not do alone.

Check this link for regular updates about the gospel work the WELS does in the United States and across the world.

WELS Connection