Confront Their Sins

Confront Their Sins

Fear lets sin linger. When we see someone doing something wrong, we are so terrified of saying something, that we will do almost anything apart from confronting it. But God calls us to be courageous. His Word is filled with commands to correct, confront, and rebuke out of love for Jesus, love for the sinner, and love for those affected by the sinner’s actions. This message’s goal is peace, both the peace of addressing issues and the peace of mind knowing that you did something to address the sin in your midst.

Confess Your Sins

Confess Your Sins

Most of us have a sin (or two) that we never confess, at least not to our fellow believers. It is way too awkward to talk about that struggle, so we keep it between us and God, hoping that somehow, in some way, things will change. Sadly, they don’t (and instead get worse). But what if we said it? What if we confessed our sins to one another? Would our worst fears come true? Or would we find freedom in allowing our Christian friends to pray, encourage, and forgive us in Jesus’ name?