Good Friday

Good Friday

In this message you'll hear exclusive details about the conversation Jesus had with the two criminals nailed to his right and his left. That conversation had eternal consequences that still affect us today.

Obedient Prophet

Obedient Prophet

The season of Lent is a time to reflect on our life's choices, repent of our sins and find renewed hope in our Savior Jesus. Jonah chapter 3 is a special chapter of God's word that will help us do exactly that.

Repentant Prophet

Repentant Prophet

What would you do if you got thrown into a raging sea and then got swallowed by a massive fish/whale/sea creature? That's what happened to a prophet named Jonah and in this message he's going to teach us how hitting rock bottom doesn't mean our lives are over. Instead, it forces us to look up and see that God is our Savior.

Dirty Little Secret

Dirty Little Secret

The story of Judah and Tamar reveals two powerful truths: concealing your sins can ruin your life while confessing your sins can unburden your soul and allow for God's forgiveness and peace to change you from the inside out.

Repentance and Forgiveness

Repentance and Forgiveness

Relationships are messy because we're dealing with imperfect people. And every time we get hurt we have a choice, to either cancel the person who's hurt us or to cancel their debt by forgiving them. And when it comes to forgiveness we always need Jesus' help.

Forward Living

Forward Living

Judgment Day captures everyone's imaginations and if misunderstood can be the cause of great fear. This message will alleviate your fears by looking at the clear passages surrounding this day. Replace your fear with confidence!

Judgement and Salvation

Judgement and Salvation

A tough conversation between you and someone you love may mean the difference between heaven and hell.

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