Repentance isn't something that normally comes up in everyday conversation, but it is something that God requires of all of us and is necessary to maintain a relationship with Him and the people we interact with on a daily basis.
Sermon Tag: Repentance
Let God Be God
When life feels like it's falling apart and it seems like there's no apparent reason why, it's easy to blame God and assume he's against us instead of for us. In this message we're looking at the final chapter of Job to understand that even though we may not know what God is doing behind the scenes, we can be confident that he's doing them for us!
Living in the Light of God’s Word
A lot of people think the Bible is just an ancient history book that's hard to read and has little to no value for our modern day lives. This Sunday we're going to see that that thinking, though prevalent, is absolutely wrong. The Bible is not only practical but also has the power to transform our lives!
The Source of All Truth
We all want to start this New Year off right and the best way to do that is NOT a new gym membership, or another self-help book or making a resolution we statistically won't keep. It is recommitting or maybe committing for the very first time to being students of the Bible because it's in those Sacred Scriptures where we find God and His strength to endure whatever life sends our way.
As King
When was the last time you prayed, "Come, Lord Jesus" and meant it or even understood what you were praying? This message from God's word will help all of us boldly and correctly pray this prayer.
Humble Prayers
Saying the words "I'm sorry" goes a long way especially when they're directed towards God. In this message the Prophet Daniel teaches us an important lesson when it comes to confessing our sins.
Writing on the Wall
God's patience is far greater than yours or mine. And yet, we're reminded that there is a limit to God's patience and we don't want to test that limit. Instead, we'll want to pay close attention to his warning signs so that we will remain firmly grounded in his grace and love.
Pride Before The Fall
Over the centuries, human beings have built and sculpted magnificent creations. King Nebuchadnezzar is credited for building one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Yet as great as his accomplishments were, the king later admitted that there is no one greater than the God of heaven.
Confront Their Sins
Fear lets sin linger. When we see someone doing something wrong, we are so terrified of saying something, that we will do almost anything apart from confronting it. But God calls us to be courageous. His Word is filled with commands to correct, confront, and rebuke out of love for Jesus, love for the sinner, and love for those affected by the sinner’s actions. This message’s goal is peace, both the peace of addressing issues and the peace of mind knowing that you did something to address the sin in your midst.
The Lord Provides
The Prophet Elijah found himself in an impossible situation and yet the LORD God provided for him in unconventional ways proving that to this day our God can and will provide for us if we just trust in Him.
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