The Fight is Real

The Fight is Real

Some assume that when you come to know Christ, your struggle with sin and temptations will cease to exist. But when it doesn't, it can easily create confusion and doubt concerning your personal salvation. This message will help clarify what your struggle actually means.

The Sword of the Spirit

The Sword of the Spirit

God's word is your ultimate weapon to slay the attacks of the evil forces that tempt you to sin. In this message, Jesus will show you just how powerful the Sword of the Spirit is.

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

We are all concerned about our physical and mental health. But don't forget there's a spiritual component as well and that is what binds them all together. This message will teach you how to protect your spirit from the evil forces in the world by putting on the full armor of God.

Touch of Faith

Touch of Faith

Nobody expected Jesus to rise from the dead, and even after it happened some still doubted. This Easter message focuses on how Jesus is willing to meet you in the uncomfortable spot between faith and doubt.

Witness at the Cross

Witness at the Cross

Sometimes the simple reason we have fears and insecurities concerning our relationship with God is because we're dealing with bad information. This message comes from a direct source that reveals what God really says about you and him.

Absolute Truth

Absolute Truth

There are a lot of voices out there claiming that they have the truth. Honestly, it's confusing and discouraging trying to figure out who's telling the truth and who's lying. This message will help you cut through the lies and be set free by the absolute truth.

Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership

Most think that in order to make it to the top as a leader you need to put your knee on the neck of your competition. Jesus Christ, the greatest leader to have ever walked this earth, says that in order to make it to the top it all starts by taking a knee.

Sweet Hospitality

Sweet Hospitality

Most describe worship as something someone does in a church building. Worship, though, goes far beyond the church walls and is much more profound than an hour a week activity. True worship is a lifestyle. And only One is worthy of such praise.

The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game

Whether we want to think about it or not, the destiny of all humans is death. Have you thought about where you'll go when you die? This message will help remove your doubts and replace them with the full assurance that only comes through Jesus.

Spiritual Insight

Spiritual Insight

There is only one solution for the darkness that produces arrogance, anger and dissension and that solution is the Light of the World. Let the Light of Jesus shine brightly in you!