Not Into Temptation

Not Into Temptation

When you're tempted to sin, our faithful God promises to always provide a way out.



This message will help you understand God's expectations for those He has forgiven.

Daily Bread

Daily Bread

Even with the overabundance we experience here in America, we'll learn why it's still imperative that we continue to ask for our daily bread.

Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done

Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done

Some of the bravest prayers you’ll ever pray are “Your kingdom come” and “Your will be done” because you’re telling God He is the King of your life. That means you’re giving up control and that’s honestly not a bad thing.

Hallowed Be Your Name

Hallowed Be Your Name

When we pray, we tend to pray first and foremost for ourselves, the people we love or the world around us. But Jesus Christ taught that we should first of all pray that God do something for himself.

Our Father in Heaven

Our Father in Heaven

Prayer can seem complicated, but Jesus made it simple when he gave his followers an outline to follow. The first thing you see in his model prayer isn't what you expect. Prayer is more about a relationship than a request.

What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Story?

Every mess has a story that goes along with it. But how you decide to navigate a mess will create a story of its own - a story that will be remembered long after the mess is gone. A moment in the life of David shows what it looks like to live in the story beyond the mess.

Need Some Help?

Need Some Help?

If we're honest, we've all thought, said, and done things we're not proud of. Those things make us messy and we can't clean the ick off by ourselves. We need help. We need Divine Intervention.

Mess in the Mirror

Mess in the Mirror

The world is a messy place full of all kinds of problems. A part of you wants to do something about it, but you're not sure where to start. The place to start is with you!

Refined by Humility

Refined by Humility

You've probably heard the saying, "God helps those who help themselves." The problem with that statement is it's NOT true. In this message, the Apostle Peter is going to teach us how to really tap into God's help.