No Other Gospel

No Other Gospel

The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians with the purpose of guarding God's people from believing the false "gospels" that were swirling around back in the day. It's a timely letter because you and I need to be on our guard as well.

Confront Their Sins

Confront Their Sins

Fear lets sin linger. When we see someone doing something wrong, we are so terrified of saying something, that we will do almost anything apart from confronting it. But God calls us to be courageous. His Word is filled with commands to correct, confront, and rebuke out of love for Jesus, love for the sinner, and love for those affected by the sinner’s actions. This message’s goal is peace, both the peace of addressing issues and the peace of mind knowing that you did something to address the sin in your midst.

How To Interpret The Bible

How To Interpret The Bible

Now more than ever what we need isn't more opinions. What we need is more of the truth. This Sunday we're starting a brand new series about how to confidently read and interpret the truths found in God's word to help us navigate the difficult decisions we need to make in this life.



Times are tough and we need practical and spiritual ways to deal with them. To help us do that, King David is going to teach us a powerful way to speak to God through prayer in Psalm 12.

Truth Tellers

Truth Tellers

The judge that sentenced Jesus Christ to death asked, "What is truth?" Little did he know it would be one of the most important questions ever asked because without the actual truth our lives are meaningless.

Absolute Truth

Absolute Truth

There are a lot of voices out there claiming that they have the truth. Honestly, it's confusing and discouraging trying to figure out who's telling the truth and who's lying. This message will help you cut through the lies and be set free by the absolute truth.

God’s Word, God’s Bond

God’s Word, God’s Bond

Nowadays it’s pretty hard to take someone’s word at face value without having proof or verification that what they’re saying is true. This skepticism easily creeps into our faith life and that’s why this lesson from John 4 is so important.