It may sound strange but the reality is that anyone who believes in Jesus as their Savior is called to suffer for him. And the comfort we have is we don't have to suffer alone. God has given us each other to be able to support one another through our trials and persecutions.
Sermon Tag: suffering
He Lives
Sometimes we convince ourselves that Easter is a once-a-year event and nothing more. But it is so much more. It's a reminder that we get to live in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ every single day of our lives!
Growing Through The Pain
It's extremely hard to deal with personal pain and difficult situations, especially when you don't know why they're happening. In this message we explore how to maintain our faith that God is good even when our situations are bad.
Pick Up Your Cross
We're learning what it really means to be a disciple of Christ and how He prepares us to follow in his footsteps, even the ones that lead to the cross.
Christ In You
Being a Christian isn't easy. At times it entails suffering and persecution but thankfully we have a secret weapon. It's Christ in us!
Refined by Suffering
When someone hurts you, the natural reaction is to hurt them back. This message is going to teach you the SUPERNATURUAL way to respond to suffering!
Refined in Hope
Life is full of pain and suffering and yet your pain has a purpose. That purpose is to refine you. To burn away your impurities and reveal more clearly God's beautiful image that lives inside you.
Lamentations Message 3
This week’s message on hope will give you some practical tools to deal with the various sufferings that you’re enduring.