When you're tempted by the sins you know all too well, don’t miss the moment when Jesus was tempted too. There, in the desert just beyond the Jordan River, Jesus showed us how to fight temptation by turning constantly to God’s Word. Even better, he fought for us, overcoming the Tempter and maintaining his identity as the sinless Son of God who came to save us.
Sermon Tag: Spiritual Battles
Brings Life To His People
Every single day you're faced with making decisions that are either good or evil. You're not alone in this spiritual struggle and this Sunday we're going to learn how to engage the Holy Spirit to help us in this fight.
Mental Resiliency
Some of the most intense spiritual battles you'll ever face will take place in your own mind. This message from God's word will teach you how to take control of your thoughts which will then directly affect how you speak and act towards others.