Baptism is an important gift from God that is often misunderstood, neglected and forgotten. In this message we remember the ongoing benefits of this amazing blessing and how it helps us in our daily struggles against sin and temptation.
Sermon Tag: Sin
Confront Their Sins
Fear lets sin linger. When we see someone doing something wrong, we are so terrified of saying something, that we will do almost anything apart from confronting it. But God calls us to be courageous. His Word is filled with commands to correct, confront, and rebuke out of love for Jesus, love for the sinner, and love for those affected by the sinner’s actions. This message’s goal is peace, both the peace of addressing issues and the peace of mind knowing that you did something to address the sin in your midst.
The Promised Holy Spirit
In this first message we're reminded that God reveals himself as our 3-in-1 God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We tend to focus a lot on the Father and the Son but let's not forget about God the Holy Spirit!
In the Beginning: Sin, Death, Redemption
Have you ever wondered where the concept of good and evil and morality comes from? Wonder no more because the Bible has the answers.
Mess in the Mirror
The world is a messy place full of all kinds of problems. A part of you wants to do something about it, but you're not sure where to start. The place to start is with you!
The Fight is Real
Some assume that when you come to know Christ, your struggle with sin and temptations will cease to exist. But when it doesn't, it can easily create confusion and doubt concerning your personal salvation. This message will help clarify what your struggle actually means.
The Sword of the Spirit
God's word is your ultimate weapon to slay the attacks of the evil forces that tempt you to sin. In this message, Jesus will show you just how powerful the Sword of the Spirit is.