There Is None Greater

There Is None Greater

The human heart has the unique ability to make a person feel ugly, and yet it's the precise location where God does his greatest work. It's where he makes us alive, and in turn, able to live in this world with joy and confidence.

Confess Your Sins

Confess Your Sins

Most of us have a sin (or two) that we never confess, at least not to our fellow believers. It is way too awkward to talk about that struggle, so we keep it between us and God, hoping that somehow, in some way, things will change. Sadly, they don’t (and instead get worse). But what if we said it? What if we confessed our sins to one another? Would our worst fears come true? Or would we find freedom in allowing our Christian friends to pray, encourage, and forgive us in Jesus’ name?

Pick Up Your Cross

Pick Up Your Cross

We're learning what it really means to be a disciple of Christ and how He prepares us to follow in his footsteps, even the ones that lead to the cross.

Dirty Little Secret

Dirty Little Secret

The story of Judah and Tamar reveals two powerful truths: concealing your sins can ruin your life while confessing your sins can unburden your soul and allow for God's forgiveness and peace to change you from the inside out.