When someone close to you dies, it can truly be devastating. That's why this message based on the truths of God's promises is so important because even in death there is hope.
Sermon Tag: Resurrection
Baptized Into Christ
Baptism is an important gift from God that is often misunderstood, neglected and forgotten. In this message we remember the ongoing benefits of this amazing blessing and how it helps us in our daily struggles against sin and temptation.
Holding On To Hope
Sometimes it feels like God, the church and everyone else is against us. Holding on to hope can be difficult during those seasons of life and yet a man named Job will teach us how to do exactly that.
The Final Revelation
Death may or may not be on your mind, but the reality is it's coming for us all. As we wrap up our series in the book of Daniel, we hear the encouraging words that when this life ends a new one begins for those who put their hope in Jesus.
The Lord Raises The Dead
Our culture has gone to great lengths to avoid talking about death and dying and it's created a lot of anxiety around the topic. In this message we rip off the bandaid and let God's word speak into this reality to take away any fears we might have and replace them with genuine hope and healing.
Prays For His People
Sometimes in our struggles we know we should pray but we don't know exactly what to pray. That's when the Holy Spirit steps in and He prays for us. That's what we're learning about this Sunday.
It's easy to feel hopeless with all the tragedy going on around us. Even on the first Easter Sunday many of Jesus' disciples felt hopeless until they had an encounter with their Risen Lord! Encounter Jesus through this Easter message!
We're revisiting our 7 Core Values as a church community and our first value isn't a what. It's a who. And you'll learn why we value Jesus Christ above everything else.
Easter Is For Everyone
In order to be successful in any realm of life you need to be grounded in the fundamentals. The area this is most imperative is in the spiritual realm. You may have heard the fundamental story of Easter before but you can never hear it enough.
Forward Living
Judgment Day captures everyone's imaginations and if misunderstood can be the cause of great fear. This message will alleviate your fears by looking at the clear passages surrounding this day. Replace your fear with confidence!
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