Tell Your Story

Tell Your Story

Your personal story of how Jesus has impacted your life is super important because it has the power to impact other people's lives as well. In this message you'll learn practical tips on how you can be prepared to share your hope in Jesus with others.

Let God Be God

Let God Be God

When life feels like it's falling apart and it seems like there's no apparent reason why, it's easy to blame God and assume he's against us instead of for us. In this message we're looking at the final chapter of Job to understand that even though we may not know what God is doing behind the scenes, we can be confident that he's doing them for us!

Humble Prayers

Humble Prayers

Saying the words "I'm sorry" goes a long way especially when they're directed towards God. In this message the Prophet Daniel teaches us an important lesson when it comes to confessing our sins.

Pride Before The Fall

Pride Before The Fall

Over the centuries, human beings have built and sculpted magnificent creations. King Nebuchadnezzar is credited for building one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Yet as great as his accomplishments were, the king later admitted that there is no one greater than the God of heaven.

Sexual Purity

Sexual Purity

When culture preaches about a sexual revolution, it's promoting the idea that you should be able to do anything and everything you want to with your body when it comes to sex. But such an ideology ignores God's design for this amazing gift and it ignores that there are devastating physical and spiritual consequences when God's design is disregarded. In this message, we get real about what it means to be sexually pure and why it's important to live our lives within God's parameters.

Repentance and Forgiveness

Repentance and Forgiveness

Relationships are messy because we're dealing with imperfect people. And every time we get hurt we have a choice, to either cancel the person who's hurt us or to cancel their debt by forgiving them. And when it comes to forgiveness we always need Jesus' help.



We're revisiting our 7 Core Values as a church community and our first value isn't a what. It's a who. And you'll learn why we value Jesus Christ above everything else.

Judgement and Salvation

Judgement and Salvation

A tough conversation between you and someone you love may mean the difference between heaven and hell.

No Condemnation

No Condemnation

This message compares and contrasts the destruction and condemnation that sexual immorality can cause with the restoration that only Jesus Christ can give.