Baptism is an important gift from God that is often misunderstood, neglected and forgotten. In this message we remember the ongoing benefits of this amazing blessing and how it helps us in our daily struggles against sin and temptation.
Sermon Tag: Redemption
Rahab, the ancestor of Jesus, had an unfortunate nickname that has followed her throughout history. But, that nickname reminds us of how inclusive our God really is.
Liar Liar
You might assume that since Jesus was perfect the people in his family would have been also. But that's not the case. Abraham is one of Jesus' ancestors and though his story is known around the world, he still had his glaring flaws. Flaws you'd assume would disqualify him from being part of God's family, but they didn't. And that's good news for you and for me.
Sexual Purity
When culture preaches about a sexual revolution, it's promoting the idea that you should be able to do anything and everything you want to with your body when it comes to sex. But such an ideology ignores God's design for this amazing gift and it ignores that there are devastating physical and spiritual consequences when God's design is disregarded. In this message, we get real about what it means to be sexually pure and why it's important to live our lives within God's parameters.
Good Friday 2022
The world we live in seems pretty dark right now and the more we focus on the darkness the darker it gets. This message is all about reframing our mindset and focusing on the darkness Jesus endured in order to bring light into our lives.
In the Beginning: Floods & Rainbows
Noah and his Ark have always captured our imagination but what many don't realize is that without him and his family none of us would be here today.
In the Beginning: Sin, Death, Redemption
Have you ever wondered where the concept of good and evil and morality comes from? Wonder no more because the Bible has the answers.
Hallowed Be Your Name
When we pray, we tend to pray first and foremost for ourselves, the people we love or the world around us. But Jesus Christ taught that we should first of all pray that God do something for himself.