Depending on our circumstances we can either view ourselves as a victim or a victor. In this message we explore our ultimate purpose for this life and when we remember what that is, no matter the circumstances, we can always have a victor mentality.
Sermon Tag: Purpose
Be You
You are wonderfully and uniquely designed by the God who has never once made a mistake. Therefore, you should be true to yourself. Be authentically you. Don’t hide yourself or fit into the mold made by those who don’t know your heart. Few messages are more often heard in our day than “Be you.” What should followers of Jesus make of this? Does our Father call us to be ourselves? Or is he offering us something much harder (and much better)?
Gifts for Those Who Wait
We all want to know that we have a purpose in this life and that's exactly what the season of Advent gives us.
The End of the Matter
In this message the wise King Solomon gives us the answer to finding true meaning for our lives.
Meaning in the Meaningless
There are only two ways to view your life: under the sun or under the Son. This message will help you determine which view you’re living by.
Refined by Suffering
When someone hurts you, the natural reaction is to hurt them back. This message is going to teach you the SUPERNATURUAL way to respond to suffering!
Refined in Hope
Life is full of pain and suffering and yet your pain has a purpose. That purpose is to refine you. To burn away your impurities and reveal more clearly God's beautiful image that lives inside you.