Pride Before The Fall

Pride Before The Fall

Over the centuries, human beings have built and sculpted magnificent creations. King Nebuchadnezzar is credited for building one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Yet as great as his accomplishments were, the king later admitted that there is no one greater than the God of heaven.

The Cost of the Cross

The Cost of the Cross

Jesus had just 24 hours left until his life would be over and he decided to spend part of that time washing his disciples' feet. Find out why in this message.

In the Beginning: The Tower of Babel

In the Beginning: The Tower of Babel

In the beginning there was one spoken language, but today there are over 7,000. The Bible tells us why God allowed this to happen and what this means for us today.

Refined by Humility

Refined by Humility

You've probably heard the saying, "God helps those who help themselves." The problem with that statement is it's NOT true. In this message, the Apostle Peter is going to teach us how to really tap into God's help.

Judgement and Salvation

Judgement and Salvation

A tough conversation between you and someone you love may mean the difference between heaven and hell.