Though familiar to many, the angelic announcement to the virgin Mary provides profound insight into the divine nature of Jesus Christ. It also exemplifies the faith and trust required to embrace God's plans for our lives.
Sermon Tag: miracles
The Lord of Good News
There are so many situations that we go through that feel like there's no way out. But, I've got some good news for you. Even when we can't see a way out, our God who has the power to do impossible miracles does!
The Lord Provides
The Prophet Elijah found himself in an impossible situation and yet the LORD God provided for him in unconventional ways proving that to this day our God can and will provide for us if we just trust in Him.
Works Through His People
God the Holy Spirit wants all people to be saved and that's why he empowers people like you and me with spiritual gifts so that we can influence others for Christ in powerful ways.
Speaks Through His People
Pentecost is a special day in church history because it's the day God the Holy Spirit came upon his disciples in a spectacular way ushering in a new era for the church that we are still a part of.
We're revisiting our 7 Core Values as a church community and our first value isn't a what. It's a who. And you'll learn why we value Jesus Christ above everything else.
Jesus Is ___ Compassionate
There are a lot of opinions swirling around about who Jesus Christ really is. In this message we skip the guessing game and go right to the source to learn that he is powerfully compassionate.
Really Good Food
We all work hard to get food that spoils. But wouldn’t it be great to get food that never spoils and actually lasts for eternity? That’s the kind of food Jesus offers us in this lesson from John chapter 6.
Wedding Planner
This past week our nation was rocked once again by division and chaos. This message from God’s word will help reground us in the truth that Jesus is coming back and we do have a hope for our futures.
Jesus’ very first miracle may surprise you. But once you understand it, it will leave you expecting more!