In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, we all long for something steadfast and true. The Prophet Jeremiah offers us that very assurance by reminding us of God's unwavering love and faithfulness.
Sermon Tag: Mercy
A Messy Family Tree
You may have gotten the impression that Jesus only allows "good people" into his eternal family. Well, in this message we'll be uncovering exactly what kind of people qualify as we comb through Jesus' family tree.
Jesus made it possible for you and me to have peace with God our Father. Now, we get to pay that peace forward by advocating for those whom God has placed in our lives.
God Is Generous
When it comes to getting saved and being allowed into heaven, it's easy to think that it comes down to personal merit. That some deserve to get in based on their performance and work ethic and others don't. Well, Jesus turns that thinking upside-down in his parable about the workers in the vineyard and he teaches us that our entrance into heaven has nothing to do with our merit and everything to do with God's grace.
Humble Prayers
Saying the words "I'm sorry" goes a long way especially when they're directed towards God. In this message the Prophet Daniel teaches us an important lesson when it comes to confessing our sins.
Good Friday
In this message you'll hear exclusive details about the conversation Jesus had with the two criminals nailed to his right and his left. That conversation had eternal consequences that still affect us today.
This message will help you understand God's expectations for those He has forgiven.
What’s Your Story?
Every mess has a story that goes along with it. But how you decide to navigate a mess will create a story of its own - a story that will be remembered long after the mess is gone. A moment in the life of David shows what it looks like to live in the story beyond the mess.