Paid in Full

Paid in Full

This is the final chapter of an epic love story that reveals that God is always working behind the scenes and that he's able to do the extraordinary even through the seemingly ordinary tasks of life.

Match Maker

Match Maker

Back in the day they didn't have E-harmony, or Bumble to make love connections. They had to do it the old fashioned way. In this message we're learning about the love connection between Ruth and Boaz and how their relationship reflects our relationship with God.



Divorce is not a victimless act. Someone always gets hurt in its wake. That's why God has strong warnings for anyone who is considering it and makes it clear that the reasons for it are slim. God also reveals that divorce, though devastating, is not an unpardonable sin and those affected by it are offered complete access into God's grace through Jesus.



Marriage may seem like an archaic relic that's a thing of the past, but in this message we'll explore why to this day it's such an amazing gift from God and how husbands and wives can best live out their different roles.

Dating and Engaged

Dating and Engaged

If you're dating or engaged to be married, God wants to bless you by helping you seek out a God-honoring relationship.

In the Beginning: Human Relationships

In the Beginning: Human Relationships

The pandemic has highlighted the reality and danger of loneliness. God's design for humankind highlights the importance of healthy human relationships.

Refined in the Home

Refined in the Home

Men and women are unique and God had a purpose for making them that way. This message will help you see that when you embrace that uniqueness, you are living within God's will for your life.