Guarding the Truth

Guarding the Truth

The TRUTH matters. Not your truth. Not my truth. But God's truth because by it we are saved. By it we have true hope, peace, confidence, love, certainty, and everything positive. And each of us is called to guard this truth that is constantly under attack by Satan and his lies. We guard this truth because souls are at stake; yours, mine and the people we love.

No Other Gospel

No Other Gospel

The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians with the purpose of guarding God's people from believing the false "gospels" that were swirling around back in the day. It's a timely letter because you and I need to be on our guard as well.

Liar Liar

Liar Liar

You might assume that since Jesus was perfect the people in his family would have been also. But that's not the case. Abraham is one of Jesus' ancestors and though his story is known around the world, he still had his glaring flaws. Flaws you'd assume would disqualify him from being part of God's family, but they didn't. And that's good news for you and for me.

Absolute Truth

Absolute Truth

There are a lot of voices out there claiming that they have the truth. Honestly, it's confusing and discouraging trying to figure out who's telling the truth and who's lying. This message will help you cut through the lies and be set free by the absolute truth.