You may have gotten the impression that Jesus only allows "good people" into his eternal family. Well, in this message we'll be uncovering exactly what kind of people qualify as we comb through Jesus' family tree.
Sermon Tag: Grace
Jesus made it possible for you and me to have peace with God our Father. Now, we get to pay that peace forward by advocating for those whom God has placed in our lives.
The early Christian church modeled for us how to fulfill our mission of leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and it all has to do with physical and spiritual generosity.
There's always a spiritual tug of war going on in our hearts between our sinful nature and the Holy Spirit when it comes to being generous. One wants us to be tightfisted, whereas the other empowers us to be openhanded.
Living Out God’s Grace
God's grace is what saves you and God's grace is what empowers you to live a godly life. It's a simple principle that will transform you from the inside out.
Children of God
It's true that all human beings are made in the image of God, but it's also true that only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ get to be his children. The beautiful reality is God extends his grace to all humans so that they can be part of his forever family through Jesus.
Crucified With Christ
Discover how true freedom in Christ breaks down barriers, unites us as one family, and empowers us to live by faith--not by rules.
No Other Gospel
The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians with the purpose of guarding God's people from believing the false "gospels" that were swirling around back in the day. It's a timely letter because you and I need to be on our guard as well.
God Is Generous
When it comes to getting saved and being allowed into heaven, it's easy to think that it comes down to personal merit. That some deserve to get in based on their performance and work ethic and others don't. Well, Jesus turns that thinking upside-down in his parable about the workers in the vineyard and he teaches us that our entrance into heaven has nothing to do with our merit and everything to do with God's grace.
Being and Becoming
Almost every religion teaches that in order to appease God's wrath you and I have to do something. Whereas Christianity is the only religion that declares that the work has already been done for us.
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