The early Christian church modeled for us how to fulfill our mission of leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and it all has to do with physical and spiritual generosity.
Sermon Tag: Giving
There's always a spiritual tug of war going on in our hearts between our sinful nature and the Holy Spirit when it comes to being generous. One wants us to be tightfisted, whereas the other empowers us to be openhanded.
Give Your Thank You
It's one thing to say "thank you" to our God and it's another to give your "thank you" to the one who's given you everything. In this message we discuss how to manage our time, talents and treasures in a way that gives honor and thanks to our Heavenly Father.
It's easy to assume that God has given us our money and possessions so that we can enjoy them for ourselves. Though God wants us to enjoy what we have, he has a higher purpose for our worldly possessions and its impact has eternal consequences.