The Results Belong to God

The Results Belong to God

When it comes to sharing God's word with others, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves hoping that each person responds a certain way. And if they don't respond the way we want them to, it can be extremely devastating. In this message we'll learn how to faithfully share God's promises while leaving the results up to him.

Tell Your Story

Tell Your Story

Your personal story of how Jesus has impacted your life is super important because it has the power to impact other people's lives as well. In this message you'll learn practical tips on how you can be prepared to share your hope in Jesus with others.

The Blessings

The Blessings

Technology can be used for good or for evil. In this message we learn how to leverage this powerful tool to get the good news message of Jesus Christ out into the world to combat evil.

Works Through His People

Works Through His People

God the Holy Spirit wants all people to be saved and that's why he empowers people like you and me with spiritual gifts so that we can influence others for Christ in powerful ways.

Outward Focused

Outward Focused

One of our seven core values is being outward focused. It's easy to say but extremely challenging to do. In this message we're taking a look at the Apostle Paul's play book on how to win souls for Jesus.

Difference Maker

Difference Maker

Jesus has declared that YOU are the light of the world and that YOU can make a difference in the world.

Seasoned With Salt

Seasoned With Salt

You may have noticed that words matter. One comment has the power to build you up or tear you down. The things you say to others have the power to bring life or death. Words matter and God our Father calls us to use them wisely.

Refined in Society

Refined in Society

Religion, politics and money are taboo topics that we need to talk about and talk about in the right way in order to win people over for Christ. The Apostle Peter is going to teach how to do just that.