Death may or may not be on your mind, but the reality is it's coming for us all. As we wrap up our series in the book of Daniel, we hear the encouraging words that when this life ends a new one begins for those who put their hope in Jesus.
Sermon Tag: Eternal Life
Wisdom and Power
You can be afraid of God or you can fear God. There's a big difference and the Prophet Daniel and his friends demonstrate that for us in this message.
Understanding Biblical Contradictions
If you've ever spent a decent amount of time reading the Bible or if you've ever watched a YouTube video trying to explain the Bible, you've probably come across some supposed contradictions that make you wonder if you can trust what the Bible has to say. We're going to take a look at one of the more glaring "contradictions" and discover that biblical "contradictions" aren't contradictions at all if you understand the difference between the Law and the Gospel.
Brings Life To His People
Every single day you're faced with making decisions that are either good or evil. You're not alone in this spiritual struggle and this Sunday we're going to learn how to engage the Holy Spirit to help us in this fight.
From Death to Life
Baptism is an amazing gift from God. If you've already received this gift, this message will remind you why it's still just as important to you as it was when you first received it. And if you haven't received this gift yet, you're invited to experience what God has in store for you!
The Waiting Game
Whether we want to think about it or not, the destiny of all humans is death. Have you thought about where you'll go when you die? This message will help remove your doubts and replace them with the full assurance that only comes through Jesus.
Saving the Saved
A very religious, super moral, extremely good man had an encounter with Jesus Christ and discovered that his religiosity, morality and goodness were never going to gain him eternal life. That’s why he and we need Jesus.