People need people. It's a universal truth. And it's especially true that we need each other because sometimes we can't see what God is doing in our lives without the help of our fellow Christians.
Sermon Tag: Elisha
The Lord of Good News
There are so many situations that we go through that feel like there's no way out. But, I've got some good news for you. Even when we can't see a way out, our God who has the power to do impossible miracles does!
The Lord of Integrity
Greed and lying are universal temptations that we don't necessarily like to talk about, but we need to talk about them because they both can destroy our relationship with our LORD and negatively impact those we love. This message will help you learn how to address these temptations with the LORD's help.
The Lord Washes
The message of God's free grace can seem absolutely foolish to us. But as we see in this message, foolish or not, it's still free and it still saves you and me.
The Lords Continues His Work
In this message we transition between Elijah and Elisha's ministries. And in this we'll see the importance of passing the baton of God's work from one generation to the next.