When someone close to you dies, it can truly be devastating. That's why this message based on the truths of God's promises is so important because even in death there is hope.
Sermon Tag: Death
Wisdom and Power
You can be afraid of God or you can fear God. There's a big difference and the Prophet Daniel and his friends demonstrate that for us in this message.
The Lord Raises The Dead
Our culture has gone to great lengths to avoid talking about death and dying and it's created a lot of anxiety around the topic. In this message we rip off the bandaid and let God's word speak into this reality to take away any fears we might have and replace them with genuine hope and healing.
Brings Life To His People
Every single day you're faced with making decisions that are either good or evil. You're not alone in this spiritual struggle and this Sunday we're going to learn how to engage the Holy Spirit to help us in this fight.
Good Friday 2022
The world we live in seems pretty dark right now and the more we focus on the darkness the darker it gets. This message is all about reframing our mindset and focusing on the darkness Jesus endured in order to bring light into our lives.
In the Beginning: Sin, Death, Redemption
Have you ever wondered where the concept of good and evil and morality comes from? Wonder no more because the Bible has the answers.
More Than Conquerors
What can separate you from God's love? Bring your list of what you think and compare it to what God says in his word. You might be surprised!
The Waiting Game
Whether we want to think about it or not, the destiny of all humans is death. Have you thought about where you'll go when you die? This message will help remove your doubts and replace them with the full assurance that only comes through Jesus.