Anxious for Nothing

Anxious for Nothing

Would you agree that everyone deals with worry and anxiety to some degree? I know I do and I'm thankful that God's word has a solution that offers supernatural peace with zero negative side effects.

The Lord Cares For You

The Lord Cares For You

Even though we may not talk about it a lot, anxiety and depression are something many Christians struggle with. In this message we see how God helped his prophet Elijah get through a very dark time in his life and how He helps us too.

The Lord Raises The Dead

The Lord Raises The Dead

Our culture has gone to great lengths to avoid talking about death and dying and it's created a lot of anxiety around the topic. In this message we rip off the bandaid and let God's word speak into this reality to take away any fears we might have and replace them with genuine hope and healing.

Our Father in Heaven

Our Father in Heaven

Prayer can seem complicated, but Jesus made it simple when he gave his followers an outline to follow. The first thing you see in his model prayer isn't what you expect. Prayer is more about a relationship than a request.