When life feels like it's falling apart and it seems like there's no apparent reason why, it's easy to blame God and assume he's against us instead of for us. In this message we're looking at the final chapter of Job to understand that even though we may not know what God is doing behind the scenes, we can be confident that he's doing them for us!
Sermon Tag: Anger
Angry Prophet
Just when you think the prophet Jonah was making spiritual progress he reveals his true colors. He can't fathom that God could show the same grace he showed to him to his enemies. And you know what? We're not much different than Jonah. In this message we'll learn how to purge our inner Jonah.
Dirty Little Secret
The story of Judah and Tamar reveals two powerful truths: concealing your sins can ruin your life while confessing your sins can unburden your soul and allow for God's forgiveness and peace to change you from the inside out.
Mental Resiliency
Some of the most intense spiritual battles you'll ever face will take place in your own mind. This message from God's word will teach you how to take control of your thoughts which will then directly affect how you speak and act towards others.
In the Beginning: Family Feuds
There is no such thing as a perfect family and every family deals with some degree of dysfunction. The question this message explores is how do you deal with that dysfunction in a God-pleasing way.
Spiritual Insight
There is only one solution for the darkness that produces arrogance, anger and dissension and that solution is the Light of the World. Let the Light of Jesus shine brightly in you!