In God We Trust | Reformer

In God We Trust | Reformer

What most people don’t realize is the modern day church is in desperate need of reformation. And that reformation starts with you!

In God We Trust | Future Teller

In God We Trust | Future Teller

The God of heaven and earth challenges us to test whether he is the true God or not in this amazing account of future telling.

In God We Trust | The Eternal Rock

In God We Trust | The Eternal Rock

Every dynasty, kingdom, regime and government has an expiration date…even ours. But God’s word reveals the future and tells us about one kingdom that will reign supreme and never end. It’s a kingdom you want to make sure you’re a part of.

In God We Trust | Dual Citizenship

In God We Trust | Dual Citizenship

Often we forget that we have a dual citizenship. Not necessarily of two different countries, but citizenship in God’s kingdom and whatever government we live under here on earth. This creates a tension that only Jesus can resolve.