Pick Up Your Cross

Pick Up Your Cross

We're learning what it really means to be a disciple of Christ and how He prepares us to follow in his footsteps, even the ones that lead to the cross.

Angry Prophet

Angry Prophet

Just when you think the prophet Jonah was making spiritual progress he reveals his true colors. He can't fathom that God could show the same grace he showed to him to his enemies. And you know what? We're not much different than Jonah. In this message we'll learn how to purge our inner Jonah.

Obedient Prophet

Obedient Prophet

The season of Lent is a time to reflect on our life's choices, repent of our sins and find renewed hope in our Savior Jesus. Jonah chapter 3 is a special chapter of God's word that will help us do exactly that.

Repentant Prophet

Repentant Prophet

What would you do if you got thrown into a raging sea and then got swallowed by a massive fish/whale/sea creature? That's what happened to a prophet named Jonah and in this message he's going to teach us how hitting rock bottom doesn't mean our lives are over. Instead, it forces us to look up and see that God is our Savior.

Runaway Prophet

Runaway Prophet

The Old Testament story of Jonah is one that forces us to look into our own hearts and ask if we've been following the voice of the LORD or trying to run away from it because we think we know better than God.

Paid in Full

Paid in Full

This is the final chapter of an epic love story that reveals that God is always working behind the scenes and that he's able to do the extraordinary even through the seemingly ordinary tasks of life.

Match Maker

Match Maker

Back in the day they didn't have E-harmony, Match.com or Bumble to make love connections. They had to do it the old fashioned way. In this message we're learning about the love connection between Ruth and Boaz and how their relationship reflects our relationship with God.

Self Care

Self Care

Perhaps more than ever, we are aware of our need for self-care. In a busy, burn-out world, God’s people are called to rest, be still, and just “be” in the presence of God. But can self-care become selfish? Can a focus on ourselves go too far? Do we need to relearn the rhythms of exhausting work and actual rest?

The Lord Will Provide

The Lord Will Provide

Gas prices are still up. The stock market is still down. Job security is never really secure. And the last time I checked God stopped sending food down from heaven. So what do you do when you're not sure where your next paycheck will come from or how you'll pay next month's bills? That's what Ruth chapter 2 is going to teach us.



The hope every New Year is that the troubles and traumas of the past year will simply fade away. From past experience we all know it doesn't work like that. Fortunately, though, our God who is greater than a number on a calendar has solutions for all of our problems.