In this message the wise King Solomon gives us the answer to finding true meaning for our lives.
Sermon Category: Your Life Has Meaning
Avoiding Extremes
The current climate we live in is full of extremism that accentuates division instead of promoting unity. God has a wise word to help you avoid all extremes.
Truth Tellers
The judge that sentenced Jesus Christ to death asked, "What is truth?" Little did he know it would be one of the most important questions ever asked because without the actual truth our lives are meaningless.
Seasonal Living
Life and the world around us is constantly changing but sometimes we lock ourselves into our schedules and routines when we should be adapting them. In Ecclesiastes 3 we find that God gives us permission to be flexible and adapt according to our season of life.
Meaning in the Meaningless
There are only two ways to view your life: under the sun or under the Son. This message will help you determine which view you’re living by.